Friday, January 21, 2011


Yesterday in class we were talking about goals whether or not they should have a time limit on them. Covey seemed to say yes and no to that matter. To challenge ourselves we to give ourselves time frame to which we need to accomplish that goal. yet remember there are outside influence on us that hinder our ability to do it. Be proactive in the goal do all you can all the time. Yet take goal (mission statement) and review be flexible enough to change it but hard enough to keep it a challenge. Like picking out the knife you don't want one that is so hard that you sharpen or that it is so brittle that will brake on the first use. On the flip side you don't want one that is so soft that it won't keep the sharp edge and bend easily. The happy medium is what you want and that different for every person. For me Rockwell 58 or 59 is what I like strong yet easily sharpened and not brittle. The key I think is to keep it up maintain the goal, review it, sharpen it, if necessary change it.
Jake Pratt


  1. I think that is a good point you make with the analogy but I also think that time can't be underestimated. If you really want to accomplish a goal I have found that the most effective way for me is to set a goal for when I desire to get the whole thing done but then to also break it down into pieces and also have times when those need to be done by. I like an example that Pam gave in my discussion group that if you have so much reading to get done for class you need to know when you need to be done with the whole thing then divide it into days and how many pages you need to read a day. Much more effective then just reading however much you feel like in a day then know you will accomplish your goal. Then if things change you can modify the time goals. I want to personally really apply what we are learning into my life so I am going to make time goals to incorporate the things we learn. Like with the habit of begining with the end in sight I am going to write down things I want to figure out what I truly desire to accompish in different areas of my life and then set long and short term specific goals to get there. I love how this class is helping us better ourselves and our lives.

  2. Ok so it is amateur hour over here and cannot for the life of me figure out how to contibute to this blog. It looks like many of you know something I don't. Any words of wisdom?

    The kid who just barely made an account and is lost as can be,
    James Merrill

  3. Well you are doing just fine. get invited and go to write blog or post blog then write then post it.
