Friday, February 11, 2011

Broken Things Everywhere

Since we watched the video clip on "broken things" i have found myself looking at the world differently. It has opened up my mind so much on the opportunities for change and innovation. As i have been thinking about this i came to the conclusion. Everything is broken. Every design is broken. Every business model is broken. Every pattern that a company uses to communicate is broken.  You might ask why i say that everything is broken. Here is my point. People are not perfect. They have flaws. Therefore an imperfect being cannot create something that is perfect. Another less-critical way to say this is everything is open to innovation. Everything can be improved upon. We simply need to find out how to improve it.

What are your thoughts on this opinion?
What is the best way to realize an innovation idea that you think would be effective in a market?

Abundance, Asia, and Automation

This is a video by Daniel Pink where he explores and speaks in more detail about these 3 things. One key point he mentioned is that when looking for a job, we need to find something that intrinsically motivates us. Even if a job we are seeking pays well, if its not something that will make us feel like we are making a difference and bring joy to our life, we will not be satisfied. Another good point that he makes is that people who are motivated and find intrinsic value in their job will almost always out perform workers who are not as enthusiastic about their work. He also recommends a job that follows his Abundance, Asia, and Automation idea. Their is a lot of value in listening to his points and following them
-Steven Reed
I too am slow in blogging. I have thinking about something that broken that needs to fixed or imporoved. Well i own and work in my own buiness of Handyman ship. The invoice that we were using before not good enough for us to confusing and that enough information on them. So I looked them up on the net and didn't find one that worked for us. So I spent 2 weeks designing my new invoice. Wow work adout the work and the satifaction coming from make something that will benifit my buiness, and it is entirely my own. (to make something from nothing). Try it out it is truely rewarding.
jake pratt

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Importance of Design

I'm really slow when it comes to this blogging thing. I meant to post this last week when we were actually talking about design. I can relate to how important design is not only in the world of business but in the world in general. I have two ideas for businesses which I plan to start once I can get the funding. One of these ideas started from me discovering something which was "broken." Upon my discovery I took it upon myself to redesign and "fix" it. The other business idea, a restaurant, has gone through several designs in my mind as well as on paper. And I'm talking designs right down to the smallest of details. As Daniel Pink said, "Design confers a competitive advantage in business. Good design also offers us a chance to bring pleasure, beauty, and meaning to our lives."

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I have loved the principle of sharpening the saw. I think that it is so important to not loose focus on things that are essencial but get in the way sometimes. It isn't always convenient to stay in shape. It isn't always convenient to eat healthy, or stay spiritually/mentally strong. But all of these things will keep us doing those things that we are doing longer and more effectively. I like this video that I found on youtube. Tell me what you all think.
Paul Johnson

Dr. Persinger

Spirituality and faith are wired through the right side of our brains. Dr. Persinger conducted controversial research to support this. He saturated the right side of his test subject's brains with a weak level of electromagnetic radiation to stimulate the creative side. Results show that people experience the presence of God with the "God Helmet" and a sense of "oneness" with the universe. Kinda creepy but interesting none the less. Check it out.

-Pat Scales

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Lumosity Helping you get the "Right" Brain?

Recently, I’ve thought a lot about the whole left brain vs. right brain thing. Just a few days ago I was talking to my brother Jim who told me he had recently started using this website:

Lumosity claims that by using their techniques that you can reorganize your brain and even increase your brain's function. I didn't see improving myself as a bad thing so I signed up and have now been doing activities for a few days. I must say I feel a lot brighter and I've been able to focus better than ever before! I noticed that the things they have you do were all things that I had never experienced. I felt that all of their mini games were expanding my right brain. What do you feel is the success behind lumosity? Check it out and give it a shot for free!

Daniel Pink: Right Brain / Left Brain

Here is a video by the author of A Whole New Mind, Daniel Pink. It's just an interesting overview of the differences between the right brain and the left brain. He talks about how left brain attributes are stil necessary but no longer suficient. I think as we go down the years, we will see his theory come to pass. I for one am excited, and can't wait to see us as humans use our right brain more often. I love it.
Paul Johnson

Monday, February 7, 2011

A whole new mind

As I finished a whole new mind the most interesting part of the book to me was the seciton on Play, a little into the chaptet on pg 193, it talk about how docters can improve by playying video games for a small amount of time. I found this very interesting, I am not a "gamer" I dont remember the last time that I even touched a controller but this study claims that there is much good in doing so, It helped the DR. The thing that really makes me question this is that the text says ONE study, what did the other studies find? and also the date of this book was almost 6 years ago, I wonder if they re-did the experiments what results they would find, I'm pretty sure everyone is playing way to much games. But what do you all think?

what does THIS dancer say about YOU?

In Ch. 1 of "A Whole New Mind" it talks about the differences between the left and right brain. The left hemisphere knows how to handle logic. People who are more comfortable in using their left hemisphere are attracted to jobs such as engineering, accounting, and lawyers. People more comfortable with right brain sequences tend to lean toward jobs such as entertainers, inventors and couselors. However we are supposed to be balanced between them. One without the other is unbalanced.

This video can help you identify which hemiphere may be your dominant and which you could work on to become more balanced in using your whole mind...A whole NEW mind.

Jenny Phillips, Tyson Andrus, Cassandra Githens, Kate Kendrick, Jaren Thorne, Sam Christensen.