Friday, February 11, 2011

Broken Things Everywhere

Since we watched the video clip on "broken things" i have found myself looking at the world differently. It has opened up my mind so much on the opportunities for change and innovation. As i have been thinking about this i came to the conclusion. Everything is broken. Every design is broken. Every business model is broken. Every pattern that a company uses to communicate is broken.  You might ask why i say that everything is broken. Here is my point. People are not perfect. They have flaws. Therefore an imperfect being cannot create something that is perfect. Another less-critical way to say this is everything is open to innovation. Everything can be improved upon. We simply need to find out how to improve it.

What are your thoughts on this opinion?
What is the best way to realize an innovation idea that you think would be effective in a market?

1 comment:

  1. I just commented on a video about broken things.. A comedian little spill.. I was at first confused to the application that it might have to our class.. However, this explains it. I believe that broken things are everywhere, and if put in the right position for change, it can be fixed.
