Sunday, January 30, 2011

Group One's Blog post on "how not to be a jerk"

We chose this video clip because of it's content, and also because it is given by someone who is relative to us in age. There are a lot things that we can learn from his simple council. As we discussed this video there were a lot of reasons why we think it's very informative. Here are some reasons why we think this is an effective video in teaching some of the principles we have discussed in class; namely the listening part of "seeking first to understand."

Some of the best ways to build trust in any type of relationship is just simply listen to the person talk about them. Think of it. When someone is really into what are you saying and expresses  genuine interest (not by speaking), do you want to just put up a wall and not talk to them anymore? No, we continue to talk. Sometimes we may find that we have talked to much about us or have disclosed things that we never thought we would have. Think of how effective this would be at a social gathering where maybe you could interact with a key leader in your company that you don't have much contact with. This could be a key opportunity for promotion, or maybe to learn a little more about the vision and goals of the company. You ask a few simple questions and then just listen.

As we have discussed in class, these principles not only will help us in the corporate world, they will help us with our friends, family, and even our spouse. 

He spoke of praising in public, and correcting in private. What are some ways that we can do both of those things in a genuine manner? 

 After watching this video, what are some types of communication that you haven't thought of before?

As he asked, have you ever been in an argument and been so mad that you didn't even know what the other person just said? What are some ways we can overcome this destructive habit?

Thanks for reading,
Mack, Nate, Blake, and Lendel    Just copy and paste this link into your web browser

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