Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The 8th habit

Everyone in the class is familiar with Stephen R. Covey’s 7 habits of highly effective people but did everyone know there was an 8th habit?

In this video Covey talks about the four needs that everyone has, the needs of Body (to live), mind (to learn), heart (to love), and spirit (to leave a legacy) this is what everyone needs to be a good worker and a good person. I think that everyone needs to think more about these needs and if they did they would be pleasantly surprised with the outcome.

Covey also talks about the hardwired birth gifts that everyone is born with. They are: freedom and power to choose and the universal, timeless and self-evident principles. All of these births are things that we can choose to make what we want out of them. People can blame the world for the bad things that have happened to them but in the end it was their choice on how they reacted to them.

I have learned so much from Covey’s work, I try to live the 7 habits everyday to make my life better. Its hard to do it but its defiantly worth the practice and effort. I think that everyone in the class has learned so much about their selves and about others, I know I have. Once I feel confident in my ability to live the 7 habits effectively I want to read and analyze the next habits and learn from them as well.

Kate Kendrick

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