Friday, April 29, 2011


Today I jumped into my car and started it up and drove it up next to my complex waiting for my roommate to come down so I could drive her for work. As soon as she jumped in the car and I drove away that little beeper we all love so much started to go off. Trying to put on her name tag and forgetting to put on her seat belt she began complained saying "Why does your car even have this beeper it is so annoying." I refuted back at here "Because thousands of people die in car accidents that probably could have been saved and so someone decided to do something about it." She paused for a moment and then questioned "I wondered how rich the guy who invented the seat belt alarm is ? " Driving back I began to think about her question. When I got home I attempted to Google it but could not find the answer.

After I gave up and closed my computer I realized how this related to our business class. It reminded me of the video in class we watched about things in society being broken. I remember the man talked about how there were so many things in society that were broken because people thought it wasn't there problem. This reminded me of the seat belt alarm, for years and years people died because they did not like to or forgot to wear their seat belt. It went on like this because people car builders continue to say not my problem till someone took the time to come up with a fix to this problem instead of just passing it off the next person. In one of our guest lectures the head of the Entrepreneurial program talked about taking things that don't seem to go together and putting them together or otherwise thinking outside of the box to come up with successful products. The seat belt alarm is a simple invention that people may not have thought about before. The car alarm is not perfect, but it one of the first steps to fixing a problem in society. The man or company who designed the car alarm made a successful product because they took they time to look at society and see what was broken and figured out a way to fix it. If we want to be entrepreneurs we need to look at the problems in society the things that are "broken" and work to come up with solutions to these problems and we may just get lucky and get rich too.

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