Friday, February 25, 2011


Since we have been talking about the Element book I wanted to share something I thought was profound about it as my group has been reading it for our presentation. So last week I was in charge of leading our little group discussion and at the beginning I told everyone that we were going to have a competition to see who could find the most words in a word search in three minutes to win a milky way candy bar. Before they began I asked who thought they would win. Two thought they would and two thought they wouldn't. Then I had them pick randomly a puzzle and after their selection showed them that they were either marked as easy or hard. After they saw which one they had received I asked once again who thought they would win. Once again the same two raised their hands and one had a hard one and one had an easy one. Then the race began and guess who won? Yep the only one who believed he would win and had an easy puzzle also. This goes with how the book says that we can create our own luck and grab hold of opportunities that come our way as we have a positive attitude and really believe that good will happen even though the puzzle that life throws at us is labeled as being hard. We affect a lot of how our lives turn out so lets all have a little more hope with a positive and enthusiastic attitude.
Karen Ungricht

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