Saturday, January 15, 2011


Hello my name is Sam Sherwood. I'm from Nephi, Ut. I moved there when i was 13 from Coos Bay, OR. I'm a junior transfer student from Snow College, where i got my associates degree and also met my wife. I love to ride motocross. I also like to mountain bike, snowboard and sometimes skateboard. If you like any of those, hit me up and we'll ride! I am a biology major, but still weighing other options. I served an LDS mission in Brazil. I am the seventh of eight children.
-Samuel Sherwood

KC (Not Jacquelyn) Walbom :)

Hi everyone, the name you'll hear in class is Jacquelyn but I go by my middle name KC (have always hated Jacquelyn, just sounds like a mean older lady...) Right? Haha...

I graduated a year and a half early from Weber High in Ogden moved to Salt Lake on my own for awhile, now I'm up here in boring ole Logan. Haha

I'm in this class because I'm an International Business major, I basically want to get paid to travel ;) but also choosing my own hours and destinations would be my dream! You don't know how terrified I am about having a 9-5 job! I want to have mini-retirements through out my life and not work my butt off and gamble on the chance of having one when I'm an old lady.

I have an entertainment website I want to publicise this year and also some little things I want to patent and distribute to local convenient stores within the next 3 years then hopefully nationally.

I'm a freshman technically... going on to my third semester. I've been taking my time but really just want to hurry up my degree and start seeing the world! I really hope to get to know you all this semester and I'm excited have some intelligent conversations in class for a new change!

Sam Christensen

Business Buddies,

My name is Sam Christensen and I am from Alpine, UT.I'm a Sophomore here at USU. I love living in Logan. Something about me that you may find interesting is that I'm the youngest of 7 kids, and I'm the odd one out in my family in almost every way! My Dad is 5'10 and my mother is 5'6, and somehow i am 6'4. I'm 4 inches taller than all 4 of my brothers who all played football at the University of Utah, but i couldn't play football due to a heart condition. I am the only one in my family to attend USU, but also the only one to serve an LDS mission that wasn't spanish speaking or in south america. I recently returned from that mission in Boston, Massachusetts 3 months ago. I'm excited for the class and to get to know everyone a little better.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Karen Ungricht

Hi everyone I am excited to be in this class it seems like we are going to learn things that will really help us in our lives. I am the youngest with four older sisters so I have always had at least four best friends. I am from Salt Lake City area and have moved around a lot in my life. I love sports, country dancing, and art. My major was exercise science but I am changing it to Graphic Design. I am taking this class because I figured business is needed no matter what field of interest you are going into. Hopefully we will have some awesome discussions on here!


I'm a freshman here at Utah State, and I want to major in business and hopefully get a minor in computer science. Sometime in the future I would like to open up an electronics store, but we'll see if that really happens. I'm from Vernal, Utah and I like to play the piano and paintball.

Mark Israelsen

Hi, my name is Mark Israelsen. I am a 6'4, 18 year old freshman majoring in Mechanical Engineering... for now. I'm from Springville Utah and am the middle of seven children. I love to play sports of all kinds, especially basketball and ultimate frisbee. I love to run and I ran cross country and track in high school. I also like to read, hang out with friends, and watch movies. I'm on the HURD committee, write for the Statesman, and enjoy volunteering for various on campus organizations. I plan to serve an LDS mission after this semester, but my destination is still unknown.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Nina Thornley

Hello! My name is Nina Thornley. I'm a 20 year old graphic design/ Photography Major from Tremonton, UT. This is my third year at USU. I'm really excited to get into this class to see what I can learn.


My name is Jeremy Collier. I have lived in the Logan area for most of my life. I have been attending Utah State for a few years now, and have switched over from a Sociology major to Business. I initially signed up for this class not knowing if I was going to actually drop it or not, because I have taken business classes before and I wanted to take something that would actually help me develop skills that I can start to use right now to help me focus on what will help me accomplish my goals in life. I can say that so far I am pleased with the agenda of Business by Design and look forward to the rest of the semester.

Chris Peterson

Hi everyone, my name is Chris Peterson and I am a 19-year-0ld freshman. I was born in Mesa, Arizona and lived there for 8 years before moving to North Logan, Utah in March of 2000. I am undeclared as of now, but business is an area I am strongly considering at least minoring in so I figured this class would be a good one to take. I hope to get as much out of this class as I can without stressing myself out too much.;)

About Myself

My name is Greg Timothy. I am from Layton, Utah. This is my second year up at Utah State. I am an undeclared business major and still trying to figure things out hopefully this class will help.


Hey everyone!
My name is Jeff Bailey and this is my second semester at Utah State. I'm from Lehi, Utah. I lived in Brazil for two years, serving a mission. I've just recently decided to major in business. I am the cripple that crutched in late the first day of class, and again offer my apologies. I love soccer and tore my ACL playing during the Christmas break. I had surgery about a week ago, hence the crutches. I look forward to this class and working with everyone!

Keri Ludeman

My full name is Kerianne Ludeman, but most people call me Keri. I'm from Boise, Idaho. Majoring in Biology Pre-dental. I love adrenaline rushes and running. I have a bucket list. A long one. Some of my goals are to go bungee jumping, sky diving and run a marathon. I love both playing and watching sports. I say, "Oh my 'lanta" way too much. I was lucky enough that a friend suggested Business by Design and here I am and enjoying it. (:

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Casey Morrison

Hello!! I'm Casey and I'm a 19 year old freshman. I've yet to pick a major so as of right now I'm just doing my generals and exploring different classes. I'm from a small town in Idaho (population 800) so being in Logan is somewhat intimidating but I'm startin to like it. I'm an outgoing gal and I LOVE meeting new people. I'm excited for this class to begin and hopefully I will get to know some of you.

hey! :)

Hey! This is Lauren Bagley. Im a nineteen year old sophomore and working towards becoming an art major. I am stoked for this class, it seems like a lot of fun. I love to hangout with friends and spend time with family. i am outgoing and love to laugh, so if ya wanna hangout, just let me know i love to meet knew people :)

Kellie Larsen

I’m Kellie Larsen. I from Payson, Utah. It’s a great little hick town that I’m proud to call home. I’m a freshman studying Pre-Dental Biology. I want to be an Oral Surgeon so I thought that it would be a good idea to take some business classes while I'm here.
I’ve shown horses since I was little and am now on the Equestrian Team here at Utah State. Operation Smile is a BIG part of my life. I was able to go on a medical mission with Op Smile to Brazil a year ago and can’t wait until I can go on another one.
I like running, being out in my barn, hunting, watching old movies, cooking, and being with my family and friends.

Hey, I'm Kyrie Foutz
I'm a freshman this year and school stresses me out... but pretty much everything else does too so that's not new.
I'm from Layton, Ut. so I'm not too far from home but far enough to get the college experience. I live in the Oakridge apartments cos the campus dorms didnt have enough windows and looked like prison to me. I'm an art major but I thought it might be beneficial to take a business class just to see what it was like and maybe it can help me out later with me career. I love brightly painted rooms, orange juice, glass bottles, and stripy socks. I'm hoping this class will be fun and I'll learn lots of useful information.

Joe Cannon

Hey my name is Joe Cannon. I am currently a Sophomore. I transferred from SLCC, this is my first semester up here at USU. I am 21 years old and I served a mission in West Virginia. I want to major in marketing. As far as hobbies I love anything that is a sport, especially football! I love to ski and water ski as well.

Lendel Jeppesen

Hey my name is Lendel Jeppesen. I am a sophomore here at Utah State University and I love it here. I am from Garland Utah, if anyone knows about it they will know its a thriving metropolis and will soon blend right in with Logan. I love Motorsports. I love cars and working on them as well.  Right now I am undecided as to the major that I am headed for. Although this is the case I have been pondering on becoming an orthodontist, or maybe a pursue an MBA. Right now at this point i am way excited for the class and what it will teach me. Life is good.

Paul Johnson

Hello everyone. My name is Paul Johnson. I am a junior here at Utah State University. I am from Seattle, Washington. I love doing things in the outdoors, and logan is a great place for that. I also love playing sports, watching movies, and graphic design. I have thought a lot lately about doing things that have a purpose, and have no limits. I would like to choose a carrer with that in mind. I think this class could help me do that. For this reason, I signed up, and am extremely excited to see where the class takes us and what we will learn.

Chris Valdes - Intro

My name is Chris Valdes, and I am from Fairfield Connecticut (east coast). I am 18, and seriously considering a future as a buisness major then a buisness man. I am hoping this course will not only serve as a source of valuable knowledge, but also help me get a feel for what buisness courses are like. I enjoy running, music, Skiing, and the pursuit of unusual skills like juggling or walking on my hands.

Cassi Githens

Hi, I'm Cassi Githens, This is my junior year of college and I'm studying Graphic Design. I am taking the class because I am interested in business and I would eventually love to be self employed.  I am most recently from Centerville, UT  but we moved around a lot when I was younger and I have lived in a lot of awesome places including L.A. and Chicago. I prefer living in more rural areas though, and I love Logan because it has a lot of beauty and the convenience of living in a city.  I love bike riding, badminton, bowling, and yoga. I have been interested in graphic design since I was twelve, and I am really excited to finish my degree and start working. I am really excited to take this class because I want to learn more about business practises.

Introduction, Zac Beckman

Hello, my name is Zac Beckman, and i am a sophomore, this is my first year here at USU i transferred from CEU, College of Eastern Utah. I was born in San Diego California and moved to utah when i was sixteen. As of now i want to major in business and own a restaurant, something along the lines of a sports bar. I love music, for fun i produce and make music with my friends. I absolutely love to skate, and snowboard, i don't know what i would do without it. I love making friends and traveling. and i am excited in learning about business i wider perspective.

James Stephens

Hola everyone. My name is James Stephens and I rescently got back to USU after having served a mission for the LDS church in the Peru Arequipa Mission. I am very excited to be here and to learn exactly what business is like. I'm definitely working towards an MBA. I enjoy doing a variety of different things, hanging out in groups, movies, games, any kind of sports, especially soccer, basketball, and raquet sports, and in general I just enjoy having a great time. I live in Kampus Korner, and I'm excited to get to know all of you and have a good semester together in this class.


Hello everyone, my name is Jason Reese. I'm a sophomore here at USU. I am recently returned from an LDS mission to Mexico. I like to occupy my time with a variety of activities, variety being the key word. I love sports, guitar, piano, board games, card games, reading, writing, movies, and just hanging out. I am currently on a quest to choose my major, so I hope that this class helps me out. I live in Davis Hall.


Hey my name is Steven Reed, and I am a freshman here at Utah State. I have always been a huge Aggie fan. I am undeclared as of right now and am interested in becoming a business major. I am a big Jazz and Aggie fan, and love to play sports.


My name is Logan Drake. This is my first semester on campus. As far as credits go, I am a sophomore. I attended one semester of school at Southern Utah and two semesters at USU Tooele extension. I am still undeclared as far as my major goes. My purpose for taking this class has transformed. Originally, I got in to the class with the purpose of fulfilling my generals. Now that I am in it, I realize that this class will be an important tool in furthering my education in ALL of my classes. I am willing to push myself in all that I do because I believe that it is a vital part of the process in finding myself. I'm looking forward to this class and all that it has to offer.


Hello! My name is Jaimie Beazer, and I grew up here in Cache Valley. I am currently an undeclared freshman. I work at the USU Ticket Office in the athletic department selling tickets to sporting events on campus. When I'm not at work or school I enjoy outdoor activities and photography.


Hello everyone,
            My name is Britt Crane.  I am from Vernal, Utah.  This is my third semester here at Utah State. I am studying to get my bachelors degree in business and my Ph.D. in psychology.  I come from a family of seven, and I am the oldest of all the children.  I work at the Sprint store up by the Wal-Mart in North Logan.  When I am not working or studying I am outdoors.  I enjoy most all sports: football, basketball, racket-ball, hunting, wakeboarding, snowboarding, fishing, rock climbing you name it.  I admit that I never really liked soccer but over the past few years I have developed a love for the game of futbol and I am glad that I finally made the transition, it is the greatest game on earth.  I play the guitar from time to time. I enjoy most all music as well, from rap all the way to classical.  I live at the Sig-Ep frat house, even though I am not a member of the fraternity, they are a good group of guys and it is fun to live there.  I enjoy meeting new people and making good friends.  I am excited to finally be taking classes that I am interested in and that will actually help me achieve my goals.  I look forward to getting to know everyone and work with you all as well.

Cason Wortley

Hi, I'm Cason Wortley. This is my second semester at USU, I am a transfer student from The University of Utah. I'm taking this class because I'm interested in business but can't decide if it should be my major yet. Right now my major is undecided. I grew up in Salt Lake City and loved it! To be brutally honest, I would much rather prefer busy cities to quiet towns. Luckily, Logan is tolerable so far. Anyway, I'm excited to see what this class has to offer.


hey guys. my name is jd ogilvie. i am from huntington beach, california..where the weather is alot warmer!! i am majoring in business finance and political science/pre law. i play football here at utah state. i am a very outgoing and am easy to get along with. that should sum it up for now
I'm Michaela (mckayla) Ferguson, this is my first semester at Utah State and it's freezing up here. I am from Layton, Utah and received my Associates Degree from Weber State University. My major is undecided, I can't choose between business and medical. I am taking this class because a friend took it last semester and thought I'd enjoy it. I am 21 and my family just recently sold our home I lived in for 18 years. I love most any activity outdoors such as skiing and snowboarding, snowmobiling, boating, running, camping, etc.


Hey. I'm Blair Jensen. I grew up in Elsinore, UT. It's a little town 4 hours south of Logan in Sevier County for those who don't know. I'm a Senior majoring in Interdisciplinary Studies. I've got a few business ideas for when I graduate. Right now I'm just trying to decide which of them is the most feasible.


My name is Blake Brinkerhoff and I am a senior majoring in psychology. I was born and raised just north of USU in Smithfield. I am taking this business class because I hope one day to be able to have my own private practice and wanted to get to know a little about the business side of it.


Hey! My name is Blake Anderson. I plan on majoring in Business Administration and am excited for this class. I currently work full time so I stay pretty busy. I love to ski. If i'm not in class it's most likely because the Beav got some new snow. Although in class I was timid, I'm actually outgoing, I didn't expect the professor to call on me the fist day!


Hey, My name is Wes Davis. I am a freshman, undeclared. Just sort of trying out the whole business thing, hoepfully I like it. I love to do stuff outdoors, hiking, snowboarding, rockclimbing, anything. I'm from just over the hill, a little town called Tremonton, don't know if anyone knows where that is but it does exist. So, yeah, that's pretty much me.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tyson McLaws

My name is Tyson and I am a sophmore. I'm from the green and yellow state of Oregon, we put up a good fight the other night but in the end we couldn't pull off the win against Auburn. My major is Business Marketing and about one year ago I started a clothing line called Rage Wear. During the summer I like to wakeboard and in the winter months I love to ride snowmobiles.


Hey everyone, my name is Hannah Heninger. I am a sophomore currently majoring in Law and Constitutional studies, but thinking of International Business. And contrary to Dr Fawson's introduction of me, I am not a Marxist, I simply have socialistic views. Last semester I was a Koch scholar, and that is how Chris Fawson knows me. I mainly grew up in Australia, and I love to travel. It's been a pleasure sharing personal information with all you out in blog land. See you Wednesday.

Marcus Lancaster- Intro

Hey everyone, my name is Marcus Lancaster. I was born and raised in Star Valley, Wyoming. I transferred to Utah State from the University of Wyoming and this is my second year of college. I lived in southern California for the last 2 years. I'm undeclared right now but am thinking about business. Thats about all I have for an introduction, see everyone in class Wednesday.

Marcus Lancaster

Life's a Party

Hey ya'll! (I lived in North Carolina for 7 years, hence the fake accent). My name is Jenelle Phillips. You guys can call me Jenny or Jen. I am 20 years old. I play on the USU tennis team but unfortunately i'm out right now with a back injury. I have 7 siblings. I love sports, reading, photography, hiking, running, camping and laughing. I love quoting movies. If I could go anywhere in the world I would pick Italy. Or Spain. Maybe Austrailia. I love traveling. My goal is to get to know each one of you by the time this class is over. Come say hi if i'm slow! :)


Hello everyone my name is Tyson Andrus. I am 22 years old from Draper Ut. I have not declared a major yet. I am deciding between Sociology and Business. I decided to take this class to help me with that decision. I also hope this class will help me establish some good habits for the future.


Hey Everyone,
My name is McCallan Chadwick and I am from Ririe, ID, a small town near Idaho Falls. I am 24 married and obviously going to school here at USU. I don't have much that is interesting to say at this point in time but I look forward to getting to know you all better as the semester progresses. See you all!


Hello everyone I am 27 years old. I'm married and have 2 kids. I wanted to take this course to improve my skills in my own businesses. I am also Deaf. (if all the world would be so fortunate).
Oh my name is Jacob Pratt , Jake.


Well my name is Graey Wolfley and I'm from Star Valley, Wyoming. I like to motorbike, snowboard, snowmobile, and other outdoor activities and I am currently declared as a Biology major.


I, Bryan Scoresby, am from the greatest place on earth, Palmer Alaska. It’s a small town about 40 miles north of Anchorage. For the last four years or so I have been taking odd jobs, mostly construction labor, looking for a way to make a living (a backup in the event that my educated career does not work out) and pay for school. I think I have found a job I will stick with in the summers driving a semi side dump for a small gravel hauling company in Anchorage. I enjoy the outdoors, specifically fishing, hiking, hunting and hanging out with a fire. I am just getting started studying mechanical engineering and thinking I want a minor in business. I hope to start my own business in the next year or two, and have a lot of ideas I would like to put in action in both the business world and the engineering world. So, I thought I would come to school, learn how to make them happen, and see if I can do something with it. I am glad to be hear but still looking forward to getting back for an Alaskan summer.


Hello! I'm James. I'm from Eagle, Idaho. Eagle is basically Boise if you don't know where that is. I recently got home from a mission in Canada. This is my first semester... I'm taking the class just learn a little bit about a business degree, and see where I can go with it, and what I can do with it. Sounds like it will be a fun one.

About Me

Hi! My name is Kate Kendrick, I am 19 years old. I am from Clearfield UT where I have lived all my life. I am a Freshman here at Utah State. I am currently undeclared but I am leaning towards majoring in Public Relations or Education. I enjoy playing basketball, golf, watching movies and being with my family and friends.

Kim Cornia

Hi my name is Kim Cornia. I haven't fully decided on a major yet so I thought this would be a good introduction class and maybe I will want to go into business. I love all sports and have played soccer my whole life. I'm from Sandy, it's about 20 minutes east of Salt Lake. I'm looking forward to a good semester, and I will hopefully have a major by the end of it!


Since Andrew is a popular name and my last name is hard to say people have called me Hoss; like from the TV show Bananza, since I was in Kindergarten. If you are wondering I motivate myslef by knowing that there is always a way to get what you want to get done. It is just a matter of wanting to do it. This is my first semester enrolled at Utah State and I am a International Business major. I have spent my entire life in Florida until now and I am still trying to figure out how to handle this white stuff on the ground.
Andrew Hostetler AKA Hoss



My name is Alex Bilodeau. I'm a business major and I'm just trying to decide what is going to be my emphasis. I think it will either be administrative, entrepenueral, or international. One of my friends took the class last semester and really enjoyed it so I figured since I'm a business major, I should take this business class. I'm a very active person, I work full time, I go to school, and I try to find a little time for my friends and family. Snowboarding and soccer are two of my passions, but I love any sport espcially extreme sports. I'm excited for this class and the semester which is ahead.


I am really looking forward to this class. I recently enrolled as a student at Utah State just this semester, and when deciding which classes would be most appropriate for my schedule, I was glad to find time for Business by Design. After hearing great reviews from others, like “eye opening” and “thought provoking”, I’m now just hoping to keep up! Wanting to focus more on engineering as a major, but am also strongly influenced by the business world. Love Mexican food… and love Utah’s snow.

Brady Walker

About Me.

Hello my name is Dylan Makemson. I am majoring in business with hopes of one day owning a small restaurant . I am eighteen years old and from Las Vegas Nevada, so in other words every time I walk outside here I feel like I am about to turn into a human popsicle, its definitely going to take some getting used to. I enjoy playing sports and just hanging out with friends. Thats about it, oh and my favorite kind of food is Mexican.


H! My name is Pam Wilcken and I am a teacher assist for the Monday, Wednesday, Friday class. Having participated in this class last semester, I know how valuable of an experience this class can be if you dive in and engage yourself in the material. It can help get you on the road to success in both your personal and professional life. I am excited to be involved again and look forward to a fun and rewarding semester!

Pam Wilcken

Monday, January 10, 2011

Welcome to Business by Design - Spring 2011

I am looking forward to spending time with you over the next few months on a journey of learning and discovery. I hope you find the experience personally and professionally rewarding.