Saturday, April 23, 2011
Design limitations?
This most recent Christmas, it seemed like every mac-head got the iPad, Apple's new tablet. Just three months later, the iPad 2 is born. That means those tech-obsessed, need-the-latest-and-greatest Apple customers only got to enjoy their "new" gadget until March and now their being told through advertising that their toy is obsolete. The same thing has been seen with the iPod. Apple seems to put out a newer, better version of their products every few weeks. It raises the question of why? Why would a company keep their customer in a perpetual state of frustration? Because by creating new versions of their products so quickly after everyone buys the older version, Apple keeps customers on a string. They make their customers feel inadequate and jealous of the new products, making them go out and buy the slightly newer version, even though it only has a couple new features. In this case, innovation is good for the company but maybe not the for the consumer. I use a PC in part because of this business tactic. I find it sneaky and wrong to trick your customers who trust you to give them the best product for their money. Thus, because of the same business tactic that may be increasing their revenue from loyal Apple customers, they've closed and locked the door to me and my money. Innovation is supposed to be the ideal for the consumer - a way to better society as a whole through the betterment of products. Instead, Apple has used this to isolate their customers from going elsewhere and creates a rift between PC users and the insufferable mac-heads. Save your money and your frustration - buy a PC
Marcus Lancaster
Larry Miller
Friday, April 22, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
The Four Pillars
Lemonade Stand
While we have been doing our IDEO projects with the public bathrooms, it has shifted my way of thinking about how everything in general could be improved to make things a better experience for people. In other words, making the design more human-centered. It is as simple as taking a step back during the design process and actually thinking about how the design could benefit consumers and how even that could be improved. I think in today's culture, everything is centered around money. The only reason someone puts out a good product is to make money. They don't create it in order to make an actual influential product. This is when things need to change. Why not become a trustworthy company that people can rely on to make a great product?
Now, concerning the video, I think this is an amazing product. They definitely had the consumer in mind when they were designing this. They saw the problem, which was people waking up to the terrible sound of an alarm clock every morning, and fixed the problem by using technology and light to make waking up a more pleasurable experience. I can almost guarantee that this product was not the first thing they came up with. They, more then likely, came to this design as a result of many brainstorms and ideas. This is something that needs to happen all over the market. Not just with Philips.
Logan Drake
Living outside the box
Now, the story that happened to me that applies to this book was this past Monday my roommate and I were supposed to do a paper for our sociology class. My roommate was in charge of printing it out and bringing it to class. The mourning it was due I woke up with the thought that I should remind her to bring it, but decided against it. Needless to say she forgot it and we had to take zeros on the paper. I wanted to be mad when she came to class without our assignment, but I wasn’t. I thought back to the story above and remembered that I had gone against myself and it was no one else’s fault but my own. The major thing I took away from the book was to always act on your impulses and do what you think you should. If I would have done that it would have saved me from stressing out to make up for the zero I now have on my grade.
Kate Kendrick
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
The Broken Window Fallacy
This video is pretty funny and interesting at the same time. It is a great example of how we can do our part to help stimulate the economy..haha..Though it may make some sense in a way I don't think breaking other peoples property is the way to do it. I do think there are ways for the economy to be better, this is not the ideal way to do it though. I think there are better and more productive ways to stimulate the economy. This may make sense and work but you may get caught for it. It's Probably not the most ethical way either.
Jared Spackman
Design thinking, in the classroom
Food for thought - an audio recorder could be incredibly useful, but also seems much more difficult to integrate. I can't help but feel that if built-in microphones were viable, it would have been done. Thoughts?
Cookies and Business
Communication Tips
Jaimie Beazer
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
The upside of $5 gas prices?
Even aside of the possibilities of future super clean cars that run on super cheap fuel, there seems to be one other side effect of this gas cost problem we face that I can't help but view as a positive thing, that being the possibility of less people driving. Imagine for a moment if you would how amazing it would be if there came a day when we actually had traffic figured out to some degree. Not because we all start flying cars but because we finally find a way to get less people on the road. I have always been a fan of mass transit but one of the big draw backs has always been implementing the infrastructure to run those systems. If these gas prices continue to rise we may find ourselves in a situation where it really is cheaper to work together to put these systems in place than to fuel our own cars. And this just opens up a veritable cornucopia of benefits that we would experience. Traffic fatalities from mass transit are a fraction of what they are from single person driven automobiles. More people on busses or trains means less cars so there is a smaller ratio of automobiles to people than there is now which would naturally reduce pollution and refuse generated by old unwanted cars. Finally, if we all start putting greater stock in mass transit then there would be more incentive for the companies that produce these machines to produce faster, safer, and better versions of them which would further increase our dependance on them. I had an opportunity to experience the mass transit system in England a few years ago and I must admit I was jealous of what they have there. Having the option to get on a train to quickly and cheaply ride anywhere in the country was amazing. Although our country is much larger and certain parts of country just don't make train travel very easy, I still feel like there is a ton of room for improvement in our train system. I would be beyond happy, as I'm sure many people would, if we were able to adopt something that more closely resembles a train system from some of the European or Asian countries.
So if you find yourself like I did, being a little upset about these gas prices, take a step back and think for a moment about the possibilities that these may encourage. The greatest inventions throughout human history have always been born out of necessity and it seems pretty plain to me that it is necessary for a change in the world's use of fuel. I just hope that this is finally the time that this happens. I guess it really just boils down to when is enough, enough? Are you tired of paying these huge prices? If you are, stop paying them. If we all stop buying gas tomorrow then oil companies would have no choice but to adapt. Supply and demand people, supply and demand. I know I have been trying to drive as little as possible since this last time I got gas, maybe it's time you all do the same.
Lady Gaga and the Sociology of Fame: a college course.

Yes, you heard right, 24 year old Joanne Angelina Germanotta, AKA Lady GaGa now has a university course dedicated to her and her remarkably quick journey to worldwide fame."Lady Gaga and the sociology of fame" is one of the latest courses to be added to the curriculum at the University of South Carolina for the spring 2011 semester. She is often heard quoting her "Obsession" and non-stop study of the topic. Her debut album in 2008 sold over 15 million albums worldwide, placed, number 2 on the Billboard 200 chart and nabbed six Grammy Award nominations.
Seeing this blow up of a worldwide pop star in a matter of years has to make you wonder this chick might know a little something on the art of fame.
And any business entrepreneur can only dream of this kind of sensation for their business,
Lady Gaga has not been far from the headlines this year. Which I think we all know. At the MTV awards in September she strutted onto the stage wearing a "meat dress" - made entirely of raw steak!
I believe we can learn something from every single person we encounter and I feel we may even be able to learn a little marketing skills from this 24 year old, non-conforming, shock value loving girl from New york.
So in conclusion, Maybe putting on a metaphorical "meat dress" on your business tonight may catapult your business into the mornings headlines.
Plus she has an amazing PR team who works for free. An organizations dream marketing team.
Jacquelyn KC Walbom
Design Thinking About Sustainability
I'm interested in knowing if there have been any instances where design thinking has been applied to sustainability issues?
Here's a video of a design idea incorporating new design methods with a simple thing such as the pizza box and creating making it multifunctional. Tacky, unattractive dining ware? Yes. But this cuts down on the use of water to wash the dishes after your meal and also can be thrown into the recycle bin when you are threw with your left overs as well.
Personally I believe that in the next 20 to 30 years or so the world will undergo a revolution in thinking about environmental sustainability and design thinking could be a key tool in driving that change. In particular with rapidly increasing populations in city areas, I think there will be a drive towards integrating the notion of sustainability with urban living.
So I'm wondering if anyone out there is , at the moment, doing any kind of work or brainstorming where design thinking meets environmental sustainability.
Jacquelyn KC Walbom
Monday, April 18, 2011
Out of Date Ideas

Utilizing and Valuing Technology
I like this guy. His paradigm on our world and all the technology and resources we have is very refreshing to hear. The world and all the opportunities we have are so priceless. A successful business shows gratitude for the resources available, and then utilizes them to their full potential. We have so much to be grateful for, and our capabilities have come a long way in such a short amount of time. This man has a fresh perspective on life and is able to realize just how amazing things are and that things have been much harder in the past. People have so much more now but yet they are unhappier than people who had to deal with harder circumstances with less resources. Businesses should take advantage of the resources they have, and an advantage to a U.S based business is the mass production and availability of technology. Take a couple minutes and watch this video, you wont regret it.
Sanitation in Public Restrooms
There are definitely many objects in the bathroom and aspects about the public restrooms people want to change. I would like to point out though, not all public restrooms SUCK as some would put it. I have used a few public restrooms that if those could be replicated everywhere……well then many people wouldn’t mind going to the bathroom in them but, I know that it would cost a load of money to replace and duplicate these types of restrooms. One of the biggest issues I have seen and that others complain about is sanitation. There are definitely areas in the restrooms that can be improved but some of the issues at hand lie in the beholder. Meaning, there are many people out there that simply just don’t care to wash their hands or make the trash go in the garbage can. If bathrooms were nicer, maybe just maybe more people would feel the need to respect the public restrooms a little more. All in all, I think a big issue is that many people don’t want to take the time to wash their hands (or don’t think it necessary, which is gross) or want to make sure their trash goes in the garbage can. In stating this, how much of an affect would changing the public restrooms have on making them nicer, if people continue to trash them? I think in general more people would respect a more “elegant” bathroom, taking better care of it, and making it a more “pleasant” experience when one uses a public restroom. Although, we will still have those who don’t care to take better care of them.
Michaela Ferguson
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Importance of Entrepreneurship
Winners Truly Never Cheat
Tyson Andrus
They can put a man on the moon but they can't figure out public restrooms?
In the past couple decades we have accomplished a lot of incredible stuff. We invented rock and roll. We have hybrid cars, Skype, Facebook, reality tv... etc. The world is such a modern place, I can talk to my friends without opening my mouth through texting. We have done so much but yet we have failed to update the public restroom. Of course, we do have automatic toilets and sinks but overall I think the feelings about public restrooms have remained the same, THEY SUCK! Nobody likes going in there because they are afraid of what they will see, smell and even touch. But the world better step back and make room for the USU Business by Design teams. We are going to reinvent the public restroom. Putting a man on the moon was easy compared to the task that lies ahead...
Employer-Employee Relationships
Eventually my mom got fed up with this behavior and started working doing freelance projects, she took many of those clients with her, and now works not only doing lightening protection systems, but solar panel design for roofs and private architectural design.
Her experience taught me about the importance of an employer and employee relationship. I don't know what made my mothers boss act the way he did, but in the end it did not benefit him, or my mother at all.
It is important as an employer to treat your employees like people and not objects. To respect and try to understand them. But, as an employee it is also your responsibility to give your employer something to respect. Many of us will work as employees before or if we become employers and I think it is important to be the kind of employee that you would someday like to employ. This will not only help you within the company, but also later when you are seeking to hire employees, it will be much easier to spot the traits you would like in your employees. When a company is filled with good management and good employees; that is a win-win situation.