Sunday, April 17, 2011

Winners Truly Never Cheat

As i was thinking about the book "Winners never cheat" by Jon M. Huntsman, a personal experience came to mind that reenforces the the value of being honest. Back when i was in high school one of my summer jobs was working for a car wash. It was far from an enjoyable summer employment but in high school that would be hard to accomplish. But i was able to pull a valuable lesson from it. We were given minimum wage and we split the tips. But the problem with this system was that a portion of the employees were less than reputable kids. Some of the kids pocketed the tips and still took their portion of the tips that the rest of us pooled together. This was really hard to put up with but i did not want to be the kid that snitched. But one day one of the managers caught an employee walking away with pocketed tips. The employee was let go and the rest of the employees at the car wash were more careful and the pocketing of tips diminished quite a bit. This was just one situation that reenforced Huntsman's principle of Winners Never Cheat. I was also able to see how my own choice to not pocket tips left me able to work worry free. While those that were pocketing were constantly looking over their shoulder, making the end of everyday of work a stressful experience. Winners truly never cheat
Tyson Andrus

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