Thursday, April 21, 2011

While we have been doing our IDEO projects with the public bathrooms, it has shifted my way of thinking about how everything in general could be improved to make things a better experience for people. In other words, making the design more human-centered. It is as simple as taking a step back during the design process and actually thinking about how the design could benefit consumers and how even that could be improved. I think in today's culture, everything is centered around money. The only reason someone puts out a good product is to make money. They don't create it in order to make an actual influential product. This is when things need to change. Why not become a trustworthy company that people can rely on to make a great product?

Now, concerning the video, I think this is an amazing product. They definitely had the consumer in mind when they were designing this. They saw the problem, which was people waking up to the terrible sound of an alarm clock every morning, and fixed the problem by using technology and light to make waking up a more pleasurable experience. I can almost guarantee that this product was not the first thing they came up with. They, more then likely, came to this design as a result of many brainstorms and ideas. This is something that needs to happen all over the market. Not just with Philips.

Logan Drake

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