Sunday, April 17, 2011

Employer-Employee Relationships

 My mom worked for a company for the past five years designing lightning protection systems for comercial and private buildings. Although there were a set of rules for the lightening protects systems it took a lot of creative ability to design a plan for each individual building and fit the plan into the budget of the client. Over those five years she became extremely skilled at her job, and built up a very profitable client base. But not once, over those five years did my mom receive a raise, and at times she was screwed over by her boss, who would fail to deliver projects to her, or leave out important pieces of information and then in front of higher up management blame problems on her "incompetence".

Eventually my mom got fed up with this behavior and started working doing freelance projects, she took many of those clients with her, and now works not only doing lightening protection systems, but solar panel design for roofs and private architectural design.

Her experience taught me about the importance of an employer and employee relationship. I don't know what made my mothers boss act the way he did, but in the end it did not benefit him, or my mother at all.
It is important as an employer to treat your employees like people and not objects. To respect and try to understand them. But, as an employee it is also your responsibility to give your employer something to respect. Many of us will work as employees before or if we become employers and I think it is important to be the kind of employee that you would someday like to employ. This will not only help you within the company, but also later when you are seeking to hire employees, it will be much easier to spot the traits you would like in your employees. When a company is filled with good management and good employees; that is a win-win situation.

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