Saturday, January 29, 2011
Just wanted to report back my experience of empathetic listening. I went to dinner with a friend tonight. She had lots to talk about so it was a perfect opportunity for me to implement habit #5.
I think I did an excellent job listening but could not restrain myself from giving advise and interpreting. Arg! However, I felt I was able to give less-autobiographical responses than I usually do. I felt like my efforts paid off despite my lack of restraint because I was able to establish trust between us- something I felt our friendship has been lacking.
Comment on this post and share your experience with EMPATHETIC LISTENING!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Brandon Major
Besides my family, which is extensive (welcome to Utah!), my main passion in life is business. Right now I own a cleaning business which is under construction right now, moving from solely window washing to all residential and commercial cleaning. If it needs to be cleaned, we will know how to clean it. Once I have that under control we will also incorporate maintenance. And eventually become an business that the market will really need in the future. It will be a business where we do ALL the cleaning and maintenance around your business and/or home, that you don't want to do. We make your life full of the things that you want to do by doing all the things that you don't want to do.
I'm goal oriented, driven, friendly, and talkative person.
Hercules Begin with End in Mind
wow sorry I didn't really know how to post a clip so the whole thing showed up. I have been thinking about what we are reading and learning in class a lot about begining with the end in mind because sometimes I am not even sure what I want to accomplish in life. I like how it says in the 7 Habits book, " To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destintation." It all made me think of Hercules because at first he had no direction in his life so he never really accomplished anything great. He was even called a loser but all that changed when he discovered his destintation which gave him the strength to go the distance no matter what got in his way. He had to first begin with the end in mind to reach his full potiential so we have to do that too.
Karen Ungricht
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Seek first to understand then to be understood
Mission Statement
Golden Goose
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Paul Johnson
Emotional Bank Account
Paul Johnson
The Matrix
As we focus on the things that. Are important, we will be able to plan for them and find the time to do them without having to rush through them from a sense of urgency.
Putting first things first
Paul Johnson
80th Birthday
proactive choice
Aesop's fable
I love the thought of us changing ourselves, and reaping the fruits of success in life. As we become better, we will become more successful in all aspects of life. This includes relationships, professional/business life, spiritual life, and all others.
Let us all become better, and watch each other reap the fruits of a successful life. And once that happens, let us celebrate each others success.
Paul Johnson
Maturity Continuum
I love this. I feel like we as people are so surface minded. It is a sad thing that needs to change. We spend so much time covering things up rather than looking at principles and changing ourselves. Becoming more independent, and eventually interdependent, this should be our goal.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Group Blog Posting Assignment
Each group is to provide a topic conversation for the week that should be posted on this day.
Both Carlie and I have given you an example of what is expected for this assignment. Feel free to be creative and have fun with this assignment.
January 31: MWF Group 1
February 7: TH Group 1, MWF Group 2
February 14: TH Group 2
February 22: MWF Group 3
February 28: TH Group 3
March 7: MWF Group 4, TH Group 4
March 14: MWF Group 5
March 21 TH Group 5
March 28: MWF Group 6
April 4: TH Group 6
April 11: MWF Group 7
April 18 TH Group 7
April 25: MWF Group 8
Choices define who we are. Everyday we make decisions that influence our actions and, eventually, our destiny. Do we dream big or do we squander our unique gifts and talents? Do we choose to be proactive in working on our goals and dreams, or let life dictate how we dream and live? Are we like a can of shaken soda pop that will explode because of outside influences?
This is a clip from one of my favorite movies. In this movie "The Iron Giant" was programmed to defend himself from external influences by using violence. Sometimes, his programming would take over and he would lose control; however, we can overcome our 'programming' if we choose to do so.
We all get to choose how we respond to life. We all get to choose what things we let fall in our circle of influence and circle of concern.
Socrates once said, "Know thyself." Shakespeare, "To thine own self be true."
Why do you think that taking the time to know ourselves might influence our choices?
How can realizing that we have control of our own lives help us achieve our dreams?
How can this principle be used in your life?
Sunday, January 23, 2011