Thursday, January 27, 2011

Golden Goose

As we were discussing in our study group last week, the topic of the Gold giving goose came up, in todays eara there are many cases of people killing the goose way to soon, getting greedy trying to get to the source. The example that comes to mind is many young adults want things imadialtey. Things that are huge investments, such as cars, homes property, things that the parents have, but fail to realize the amount of time and effort it took to obtain such things. The children of those parents jump into debt extremely to fast to sieze the appitete they have for greed and instant satisifcaiton. Instead of waiting day by day for the egg to be produced and have some amount they go to the goose and seeking all get none.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with that. In fact I'm might be more guilty of it than others in the class. I bought a condo a year ago wanting to build equity rather than just paying rent. The building equity part is a great idea. But I probably should have waited till I had a little bigger income.
