Monday, January 24, 2011


Choices define who we are. Everyday we make decisions that influence our actions and, eventually, our destiny. Do we dream big or do we squander our unique gifts and talents? Do we choose to be proactive in working on our goals and dreams, or let life dictate how we dream and live? Are we like a can of shaken soda pop that will explode because of outside influences?

This is a clip from one of my favorite movies. In this movie "The Iron Giant" was programmed to defend himself from external influences by using violence. Sometimes, his programming would take over and he would lose control; however, we can overcome our 'programming' if we choose to do so.

We all get to choose how we respond to life. We all get to choose what things we let fall in our circle of influence and circle of concern.

Socrates once said, "Know thyself." Shakespeare, "To thine own self be true."

Why do you think that taking the time to know ourselves might influence our choices?

How can realizing that we have control of our own lives help us achieve our dreams?

How can this principle be used in your life?


  1. It is so important that we know ourselves, so that when we are attacked we know how we will respond. If we respond in a negative way and if we know ourselves then we can counter our attacks for the better; rather than letting our emotions overcome us like what happened to the giant. I have complete control of my life which is so important. Hogan was trying to teach the robot(giant) that he could choose who he was. No one can change us we have to change ourselves from the inside out. The choices we make now will determine our future.

  2. The way I see it is there are two kinds of people in the world, those that are stagnant and those that are progressing. If you understand and are confident in your ability to make good decisions then when opportunities arise you will know how to react. However if you do not fully comprehend this concept then you will not be able to respond effectively. The difference between a CEO and a homeless person are the choices that they made. Everybody has choices that they have to make, but it is how we respond to those opportunities that defines who we are.

  3. Without knowing ourselves we don't know ourselves nor our desires. The principles that we believe and motivate us have to be know so we can make choices aligned with our lives. Without knowing who we want to be and where we want to go we can't make our choices. Once we realize what our dreams are we can align our choices to take us there. For example if you want to play NBA basketball you have to practice basketball everyday of your life and life weights to be the size of other players and to be competitive in skill. Playing xbox basketball games wouldn't get the job done. In my life I need to realize my own values need to be in order so I can be not only the person I want to be, but provide for my family and care for them. If I am only living to make myself happy I won't work to better myself or care for those I love.

  4. Viktor Emil Frankl once said "...everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms -- to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way."

    In his book “Mans Search for Meaning”, Viktor states that man has the ability to choose to be a good or a bad individual. Our choices in the most dire of circumstances demonstrates our true inner self, the very nature of our character is revealed to world, whether our core is good or evil.
    We can’t always choose the situations and circumstances that life throws at us, but we can always choose how we react and handle our personal thoughts and responses. If we move through life always reacting to life’s situations, we will be moved through live without an ability to determine the direction.
