Thursday, April 21, 2011

Lemonade Stand

I've seen this commercial several times on TV, and I think it applies really well to what we talked about in class last Thursday.

The dad in this commercial gives his daughter the smart phone thinking it will be useful as a calculator. The little girl, though, is an innovator, and see's an opportunity. With that opportunity, she gets others to help her, and in a very short time built this huge corporation.

All of this goes back to our discussion on entrepreneurial spirit, something that Susie, the little girl, had plenty of. She saw a need, had an opportunity present itself to her, and took full advantage of the situation. Most little girls, and most people for that matter, would have used the phone only as a calculator. That's what her dad told her it was for, so maybe that's all she would recognize it as and that would be the only way she would use it.

How often are we presented with a "smart phone" and only use it as a "calculator?"

There are so many opportunities around us, as well as people and things to help us realize those opportunities, but too often we are stuck in the mindset of following what other people tell us. If Susie had just used the phone as a calculator, maybe she would have had a little success, but when she used it to it's fullest capacity and was innovative, that is where she saw huge leaps of success.

People present us with innovative opportunities and ideas all the time, but we need to make sure that we don't settle for less then their potential. Lets use our smartphones as smartphones, not just as calculators.

Mark Israelsen

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