Saturday, April 23, 2011

Larry Miller

I recentley read the book Driven an auotbiography about Larry Miller, I was really captivated by the book and its teachings, Larry Miller was an extremeley good buisness man, no so much a good father and husband, but the story of how he got to were he finished life was remarkable, It motivated me a lot more then some of the books we have read in this class, A part that really stood out to me was how Larry was able to out work his compition, no matter the project or assignment he reached the success that he has obtained by working harder then anyone else, every one has some skills but its what you do with those skills that count, Larry found ways to really expound on his entrepreneur skills to there fullest. As future buisness students or just in life in general we must find what skills we have and then work to there ability. Anouther quick point Larry loved learning new things, skills and ways of doing things he always asked other how they got to were the are and then took there advice to heart and applied to himself. In order to be successful we to must be able to humble our egos enough to be taught what works and what doesnt for ourselves and others.

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