Tuesday, January 17, 2012

ID page for JCOM 2010: Me, Myself, and I

My name is Michaela Ann Ferguson. Although my name looks like Michael-a it is said Mckayla and yes there are a number of ways people try to say it. I am a junior in college and have finally decided what I want to major in. I started out in business but realized I chose that major because I didn’t have any idea what I wanted to do. I plan to switch my major to Journalism with an emphasis in Public Relations and to minor in Psychology.

I was born in SLUT (I have always wanted to use that because I find it extremely funny, especially when in class on Thursday we talked about how Salt Lake City is the vainest city with all the plastic surgeries.) I was raised in Layton and my family currently resides there. I have grown up in a family that loves physical activities and have been snow skiing since I was 5 and solemn skiing since I was 9. Other activities I enjoy include: running with my dogs, sewing, being out doors, finding new adventures with my friends and family, and one of the most recent adventures my family has discovered is the love for SCUBA diving. A few years ago we went to Fiji where all we did was SCUBA dive. In Fiji, while SCUBA diving, the guide had us; underwater, remove our breathing devices in order to allow shrimp (like in Finding Nemo) clean our teeth. This was an experience I definitely won’t forget and I have a hard time explaining the feeling in words.

I also love music and anyone that can sing or play an instrument captures my attention. I would have to say most my media use comes from the internet for research on topics that interest me, I have to research for school, and finding new music. More often than not though I find myself also watching T.V. to gather information about the world and what is going on.

Michaela Ferguson

(801) 663-1976
