Friday, February 18, 2011

To me this cartoon depicts the concept of seek first to understand, then to be understood. Often times I find myself not even listening or really understanding what the other person is trying to say. People in general tend to start thinking immediately how to help improve the others situation and give advice on how to deal with the issue at hand. Last night I talked on the phone for about four hours, yes that is an extremely long time but it wasn’t only one person I was talking too. I wanted to tell my story of what had gone on during the day because it was rough and as I began to confide in my friend; he started giving me advice on how to go about dealing with the situation. All I wanted was for him to listen while I talked through my day, since that wasn’t happening, I decided to ask how his day was and he proceeded to tell me about his day. I listened intently and let him talk. To my surprise I learned and heard of situations he’d been in that would have never crossed my mind. People like to tell their stories and that is how we relate to others. I have found that if I allow those around me to tell their stories, I actually have more in common and can better relate to those I care about. It amazes me how much people will disclose to you if you are interested and try to empathize with that person.

Michaela Ferguson

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