Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Most Inspiring Thing ever said...


In the dictionary it defines Idiot as a senseless person. In this class one of our main topics that we have covered is finding our sense of direction. This is done by having goals and aspirations. Without this, in a word, you are senseless. So to avoid being an idiot, and take Michael Scott's advice, its important to do some things such as making a blueprint, to use our education to prepare ourselves now. This will help us to get where we want to be in our career and we wont end up at Dunder Mifflin. Below are a few links that we have selected to help you research our blue printing assignment. We hope these help!

Internships help you to actually apply what you learn at school into the real world, which is great since it is the main reason we are actually here. Plus you get college credit too!

(link for business majors)

(link for any major) (they say you get paid too)

Career and Academic Support Services currently on the USU homepage

Career Acceleration Center

Now we have some questions for all ya’ll so that we can help one another to make the best of this assignment and plan for the future! So if anyone first of all finds any other awesome websites for research it would be great if you post them.

Has anyone been on an internship that you could tell us a little about and how you got it?

What other creative things can we do during our college time to get real work skills?

Do you ever ask yourself, would an idiot do this? (Hahaha let’s just say we have Brady in our group, enough said.)

Please share anything you have found to be or think would be helpful so that we can all succeed together so that we don’t all end up like the people from the office!


Ocean and ocean as far as the eye can see in all directions. One crappy rowboat and an ore are your only companions beside the sun beating down upon you. You decide to paddle in one direction. After miles and miles of relentless paddling, fatigue and discouragement begin to set in. But you brush it aside and continue to paddle on. After what seems an eternity, fatigue takes over and you stop. As you lay, beaten in the boat, your mind reflects on the life you once had and that you are now letting drift away. Impressing even yourself, you somehow find the strength within to lift yourself upright to once again continue your impossible journey. Minutes turn to hours, and every paddle takes the last efforts left within you. With absolutely nothing left to give you once again collapse and accept that all is lost and the end has come. At the moment that your mind starts to fade into the background, your sight catches a glimpse of land in the edge of your fading vision.

What has changed for you now in this moment?
In this situation, imagine what would be your strategy of survival.
Have you had an experience similar? Please, share…

How does having your goals in sight give you more motivation to keep going even when you think you can’t go anymore?

Having us make a blueprint for our career future will help us to stay motivated!

1 comment:

  1. Alex Bilodeau

    I really liked the Office clips of don't be an idiot. I think the term don't be an idiot is kind of like the term don't do anything stupid. If we are smart we won't do stupid things or we wont be idiots. I also like what the post said about be smart and making a blue print for the future is something that is not stupid but good. As I've tried to put together my blue print I've seen how helpful the blue print could actually be to plan for the future. I don't want to work for Dunder Mifflin in the future, I would rather work for some major corporation. Don't be an idiot is very good statement.
