Thursday, February 2, 2012
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
ID page for JCOM 2010: Me, Myself, and I

I was born in SLUT (I have always wanted to use that because I find it extremely funny, especially when in class on Thursday we talked about how Salt Lake City is the vainest city with all the plastic surgeries.) I was raised in Layton and my family currently resides there. I have grown up in a family that loves physical activities and have been snow skiing since I was 5 and solemn skiing since I was 9. Other activities I enjoy include: running with my dogs, sewing, being out doors, finding new adventures with my friends and family, and one of the most recent adventures my family has discovered is the love for SCUBA diving. A few years ago we went to Fiji where all we did was SCUBA dive. In Fiji, while SCUBA diving, the guide had us; underwater, remove our breathing devices in order to allow shrimp (like in Finding Nemo) clean our teeth. This was an experience I definitely won’t forget and I have a hard time explaining the feeling in words.
I also love music and anyone that can sing or play an instrument captures my attention. I would have to say most my media use comes from the internet for research on topics that interest me, I have to research for school, and finding new music. More often than not though I find myself also watching T.V. to gather information about the world and what is going on.
Michaela Ferguson
(801) 663-1976
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Mary Caraccioli Interviews John Huntsman
I really loved Jon Huntsman's book Winners Never Cheat Even in Difficult Times. Here is a video of him answering a few questions about the book and his past experiences. I really enjoyed the interview, especially this part.
"When there is fear, anger and frustration, there is a tendency to want to cut corners. There is a great tendency to let stress outreach ourselves. Then we do something very very foolish that we may spend the rest of our life regretting. The way that determines our character and integrity most is when we are under stress. This is a wonderful time in our life to be honorable and straight and ethical in all of our dealing." -Jon Huntsman
I agree, stress causes stupidity often times. If we can develop true character and deep integrity, then no matter how stressed out we are or how difficult circumstances are, we can decided not to cheat. I 100% agree with that that principle. Everyone needs to live there life and make decisions based off of principles, not circumstances.
James Stephens
Monday, May 2, 2011
Entrepreneurs can change the world
I really like this video about Entreprenuerial Spirit. I think it applies directly to what we learned in class from Professor Dave Clark. He taught us about looking for things that are broken and what how we should constantly be aware of things that need to be fixed or can be improved. This video talks a little bit about how "turbulance creates opportunities for success." It teaches that all you need is a single brilliant idea in order to make a difference. It promotes the idea that individuals can make a difference and I definitely agree with that. Just good be aware and observe and come up with ONE brilliant idea.
James Stephens
Saturday, April 30, 2011
My Blueprint
Seek first to Understand....
Friday, April 29, 2011
Britt Crane - Law of the Harvest
I love this video. I just bought a car and this video helped me to put things into perspective. I felt like this would be a good video to show everyone because most of us are poor college students and we all have or will buy a car. The point that I want to bring up is that too often we feel that we need things now that we truly do not. The story of the golden goose is still one of my favorite stories and it applies well with this video. We always seem to want super nice things, who wouldn't? But we see more and more people going into debt for ridiculous reasons. We need to learn to be patient and the value of hard work. Its like we think that we need or deserve things NOW, right when we want them, without ever having done anything to get them or be deserving of them. I feel like this is a dangerous pattern in our society. The Inside Job comes to mind. And like this video points out if we can just be somewhat patient and work a little we can get what we want and come out on top. First things come first.