Saturday, April 30, 2011

My Blueprint

I am so glad that we were able to do the blueprint assignment. It has completely changed my way of thinking. As I came in to school, I had no idea what I was going to do as a career. As the semester went on, I started to get more and more lazy. When we were introduced to this assignment and told we had to have it done in a week, I was really upset. I was really against it and was fighting it as much as I could. But I had to do it in order to get points. So I sat down and just hammered through it. The more I got through it, the more I got interested in it. It was at that moment that I realized how behind I am in planning my education. When you get in to school, there is always a little bit of time to figure things out, but my time was up. The time is now for me to look in to a career. I had not taken time to figure this out. I was just going through the motions and doing the work. As I did my four year plan, it got me excited about what I was getting myself into. My generals were pretty much all finished and it was time to pick a major. I found a whole new excitement and fire to finish out school. The reason I was getting lazy was because I was getting restless and bored with classes that I had absolutely no interest in. If I had not done this assignment, I would still be stuck in that deep hole. I would have no idea what I want to do and still be walking around in circles chasing my tail. Dr. Fawson, if you are reading this, I would definitely keep this on the list of assignments to keep on for next semester. It has helped me out immensely.

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