Monday, April 25, 2011

Adapt or Die: Toilet Paper Edition.

This Is somewhat fitting given our final project.

Yes there are a million crafty little things you can do with those toilet paper roles so to some crafters out there this might come as somewhat of a heart break because Kimberly-Clark will introduce tube-free loo rolls through the Scott Naturals brand. Which I personally believe will catapult a new age in toilet paper- yes, even the simplest things such as a toilet paper roll can take on many, many, many, "new ages". Which I think discovering this has now made me believe.

I feel as an organization you need to adapt with the times, just as "The Design of Business" has stated and by launching role free toilet I see Kimberly-Clark in a new light. A trail-blazer, innovator, environmentally conscious, not only obsessed with the daily quota, caring and by doing that Kimberly-Clark has just picked up a new customer- me.

By Kimberly-Clark estimates, 17 billion toilet paper tubes are produced each year in the U.S and if placed end-to-end, those tubes could stretch to the moon and back- twice!!! All and all, these cardboard toilet paper tubes account for 160 million pounds of landfill-bound trash!

They are releasing them Monday at Walmart and Sam’s Club stores across the Northeast for a test run and if all goes well K-C will introduce these nationally and then globally and incorporate this idea into paper towels as well.
If you have a money maker that supports as eco-friendly in return why not expand on it?
The maker of Angel Soft, Quilted Northern, and Soft 'n Gentle toilet papers — is also working on creating eco-friendlier bathroom products. When the times change it's time to adapt your Business as well.

Adapt or Die.

-Jacquelyn KC Walbom

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