Thursday, April 28, 2011

James Butterfield

Attitude is Altitude - Nick Vujicic

My brother sent me this video clip of a man named Nick Vujicic. I couldn't help but see it in light of Carrying Your Own Weather. It seems like Nick has pretty well every reason to be miserable, but he's obviously not. What a great example he is of making the very best with what you've been given. It seems like he couldn't be happier. It really opened my eyes. It seems like the more we have, the more we expect from the world, and from life. From my perspective, I can't comprehend living without arms and legs.

Doing something like that must take a tremendous amount of perseverance and patience. When I have a late night, I wake up the next morning, and it's so hard to roll out of bed. I realize how easy I really have it. I wonder what it really takes to carry that weather, to make yourself be happy. Is it simply a fake it till you make it? Does it require a real miracle or tragedy of some kind to help your realize that there is a lot of goodness in your life? How can a person just make so much out of so little? If people are looking to get your posts done, I would like to hear some thoughts on this.

1 comment:

  1. I've actually seen videos of this guy before. I love how he talks about how important it is to be grateful for what you have. I relate this directly to being proactive. Everyone clearly is very different, in all aspects, but at the same time noone has zero talents or strengths. We all are capable in some way or talented at something. Nick clearly is handicapped in a very real sense, but he found a way to play it off as a strength. He uses his weakness to inspire others. That's an incredibly proactive attitude if you ask me. I feel that even our weaknesses can serve us in some way. It's all about haveing a proactive attitude.
