Friday, April 29, 2011

Study Abroad Opportunities

Before having the panel of students come to our class and talk about the study abroad program and their experiences with it, I did not know that Utah State was one of the only Colleges or the only College that offered the study abroad program for undergraduate students. I knew that there was a study abroad program since the beginning of the year when I went to connections, but I didn't not know it was offered for undergrad students. This is certainly an opportunity I would like to take very much for various reasons. The first being that I would love to go somewhere outside of the U.S. for an extended period of time and see the world a little bit. The other reason being that on my "7 Habits Benchmark" assignment, one of the bits of feedback/advice that I received from my boss was that it would be beneficial for me to see how people think, interact, and work outside of Utah, so as to broaden my range of thinking whether it be for my own opinions sake or for appealing to others interests or desires in business. This is something that is definitely on my radar now of something that I would like to do and will strongly consider eventually doing. I must say that I am grateful Utah State offers this program.

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