Monday, April 25, 2011

This a youtube video of Jim Gaffigan. I could have posted lots of different examples of stand up comedy. I was watching a stand up comedy routine the other day and i realized that lots of stand up comedy is all about making fun of things that are "broken". This is a good example of that. Jim Gaffigan has taken an ordinary thing that lots of people experience every day, and he's made it into a joke.

I realized that stand up comedy is a really good source for discovering "broken" things. Videos like this can give opportunities for us to innovate. Now I know that lots of people realize that there is something wrong with Hot Pockets. They get too hot, they don't get hot enough, they make you feel sick when you eat them, and they have negative connotations like being eaten at Nascar Events... not that that's entirely bad. But the point is, a person could look at that, solve a problem, and maybe end up rich!

1 comment:

  1. That's a very valid point! Someone could make loads of money trying to figure out an alternative to that! However, what is the connection of this video to our class?
