Monday, April 25, 2011

Should we rob the rich?

America has always held a special place in the imaginations of everyone in the world. A place where you can come, and if you work hard enough or have a good enough idea, you can make all the money you need. The trouble is though that some people take advantage of this possibility without putting a ton of work into something or having a world changing idea like facebook or something. Let's face it, there are a whole load of worthless actors and completely overrated musicians, dare I say, Lady Gaga, who have for some reason captured America's attention and are now reaping the rewards. So the question I pose for you, my fellow students, should we charge these people more tax money than the rest of us pay? I was reading a very interesting article which suggests that this idea is becoming increasing popular with population of the United States. Households making over 250k per year, under this new proposition would have their taxes increased by just 1%. President Obama attempted to enact this policy and it was predicted that if this took effect that this would yield a trillion dollars. So again let me ask you, if we could increase taxes on this group of people and reduce our national deficit by that much money, wouldn't it be worth it? I for one see some real problems with targeting a particular group of people and penalizing them solely because they are successful. That seems just spit in the face of everything that makes this country what it is. And as much as I like the idea of Lady Gaga having less money to buy those crazy excuses for clothing that she wears, I do not believe that this is going to take us in a positive direction. If we are going to fix our deficit, we are going to need to find some more effective alternatives.

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