Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tax the Rich

Tax the rich. They can afford it right? Those greedy people who have worked for their money think that it's only theirs. These weasels don't think that they have the moral responsibility to help out us less endowed with that glorious green inked cotton creation that we call the American dollar.

RealClearPolitics - Video - Moore On Wealthy People's Money: "That's Not Theirs, That's A National Resource, It's Ours"

This is the rhetoric that I have been hearing for so long it’s starting to make my ears bleed. We hear word and terms, such as greed and hording, being thrown around like rice at a Catholic wedding, but what do they mean, and what does it say about those that use them. I find it most comical that the individuals that are talking about increasing the taxes of the more affluent, those that say it’s the patriotic duty of the rich to pay more in taxes, are the very same individual that tend be in the 48% of household that pay absolutely NO taxes at all. Which sounds more greedy, those individuals that don’t want the government coming into their lives and taking their money, or the people who are receiving those individuals money in the form of social programs and welfare who then turn around and complain that they aren’t getting enough free handouts. I for one hope to be able to provide a comfortable living for my family but am afraid that to much “success” will lead to an overabundance of ridicule and harassment, it’s almost as if life would be better off if we where all failing together. Taxing the rich won’t raise us up out of our enormous financial mud hole; it only seeks to pull us all down into the depths of misery and that, my friend, is NOT the American dream.

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