Friday, April 29, 2011

Rob from the rich and give it to the poor. That is the worst idea in the world. It is by the sweat of our labor comes the riches. To ask the rich, the poor to carry the wight of all the others leads to slavery and I mean it as that. Look to the past with Soveit Russia that is what they did. The econamy coolasped beanth them. No I beleive that core of the class should remain, the entrepreneurial spirit. To take more from the rich would make it so people would not want to do their best to EARN their riches. No, If we really want out of the recession then we most open more buiness and go back to the basics. get the merial wealth of the ground, employ every clever mind to improve the uses of all the wealth we have. Then we recover and begin to be clean. Every option most be explored. To raise the foundation then the goverment and society upon which it is built will last many, many years. Give the people the digity of keep most of what they earn and every man pays the same to the goverment. On a side note if we can get every one to follow the Princples we have learned this semster then the goverment would not need to govern as much. The bottom line all need to earn their keep and all need to pay thier way. equaly in everything, no bais to the rich or to the poor. We are an equal society in everything, in rights, freedom, everything. Then the princple most remain the same for everyone and for everything. take the taxes down and let buissness thrive in mining, innnovation, relations, food, everything then we will see proserity like we never seen before. In the words of Tomas Jefferson " life, liberty and the pursuit of wealth (happiness).
Jacob Pratt

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