Thursday, April 7, 2011

'Cat Herders'

While this commercial is funny, I think it also really applies back to a lot of what we have discussed in class. I've never tried to herd cows OR cats but I can imagine that while neither of them is easy, the cats would take a lot more innovation. Sometimes we have a challenge before us and we try our hardest to fix it but it just isn't working. This is when we are trying to treat a cat like a cow. It isn't that we have a hard time herding cats, it's that we're trying to herd them like cows.

Cows are great and all, but are kind of stupid from what I can tell. They sit around all day, conform to the movements of their fellow cows, give you blank stares, etc... Cats are very different. Each one is unique, feisty, and presents it's own challenges. Yelling, roping, and poking probably won't get you the results you want. We have to treat each new challenge we come across in the business world and in our lives with this in mind. Whether it is a person you work with, a child, a customer or a problem, each one is different and will take creativity and ingenuity.

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