Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Inside Job- How We Recked Our Own Economy.

Before watching this movie, when many people spoke about the recession they mentioned I felt like they gave broad but simple reasons—loans were given to individuals too freely and consumers were greedy, many of them spending significantly over their incomes. After hearing all these aspects to the recession, it was my point of view that the recession was caused by people too incompetent to know that by spending more than they earn they were digging a hole for themselves, and with a mass majority of individuals doing it had a dramatic impact on the economy. While I know that Inside Job was slanted and meant to change views on who caused the economic crash, it definitely opened my eyes that it was more than greedy consumers wanting more material possessions. But while watching Inside Job,  I could have easily placed the fault of the whole economic crash on high powered, greedy executives. In the end though, I tried to balance between the two as I'm sure both have some responsibility to carry some fault for the current situation our country is in. Overall though I was surprised by these companies. I was amazed to see that it wasn’t just one case or company working around regulations and respectable values. It was a combination of greedy consumers wanting more they can afford and companies using and abusing both the people that keep them in business and the rules meant to regulate their organizations for the best interest for the economy. Honestly there is no way that the whole economy could be pin pointed to one, or even a few individuals. While it is easier to blame the executives of these important companies, there is more blame than those individuals could ever be responsible for. The slipping of top executives, consumers, government officials and some additional individuals was how so much changed in so little time. In my opinion, the economic crash was bound to happen because of the overall downward slope of living the values that we as a society used to cherish, but are now considered “old fashioned”. Now not only do I see a broader perspective about some of these nation wide issues, but also am more grateful for individuals like Stephen Covey and Jon Huntsman who stand for integrity and as positive leadership examples.

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