Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Law of the Harvest

There are many cases that come to mind of examples of people that want the entire goose that is giving the golden eggs instead of being patient and just being greatful for what is at hand. One instance that comes to my mind is how young adults are extremely inpatient. They see life long investments such as cars and homes that there parents have spent a lifetime saving for, and want them instantaley with out the work ethic. I have many friends that have made very poor decisions on money, seeing a new truck for instance and thinking " all the chicks will dig it!" even though they dont have the financial stability to make a purchase like that. We need to really think about our investments and how we can better spend our money and not get greedy. Taking the egg one day at a time and not whole goose.

1 comment:

  1. I had never heard the golden goose story until it was told in class. I loved it and I see people doing this everyday. The video the Inside Job was a perfect example of greedy men killing the golden goose. They never slowed down or took a minute to think about the consequences. And everyday I see people buying things way out of their means. I believe it is a disease that our entire society has developed. I can't even build credit unless I take out a loan or credit card. It is all designed to reward people for going into debt. While other people who actually save money and don't get themselves into trouble financially suffer. Everyone needs what they want now and they are willing to go into great debt to have it. Patience is a virtue and it is something our society needs. Right now, bigger, better, faster, with no work or effort, the American Dream.
