Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Made to Stick

Making Ideas stick as a tough task that many people seem to pass up with out much thought, we often have many ideas but getting the ideas to be obsorbed by our peers. In the book it talk about a story that was on the internet about bananas, some one posted that there was a terrible diseases being passed along by the fruit and that it was causing some very harmful side effects, the email spread like wild fire, no one stopped to think why isnt this on the news? The email used crediable sources like FDA  to make the story even more realsitc. Using crediable sources to make our ideas stick is huge in convincing people to by into the idea. We must find ways to get into the heads and hearts of the customer and make them really want the idea.

1 comment:

  1. In this day and age it is important to check credibility on things like this. People hear want they want to hear and social media is all around us. (If you doubt this then just look at the foot of every post, there are icons for 4 or 5 social media sites that create direct links.)

    I was at a work meeting and a marketing director went on about how powerful a tool this is and shocked many of us with his statistics. I personally feel like our personal lives AND the business world alike are only beginning to use social media to its fullest potential. It is up to the individual to decide whether this is good or bad.
