Friday, March 18, 2011


I have really enjoyed the book Winners Never Cheat. The first chapter, lessons from the sandbox was very interesting. It is said that 'everything we need for today's marketplace we learned as kids'. This is said because because the values you learn at home, in the sandbox, and playground stick with you even when you become an older into the business world. honesty is a value the book focuses on. 'Human beings inherently prize honesty over deceit...' They say that even lost tribes in India that have different cultures and languages still value honesty. The book talks about how having behavioral values will help us with long-term success and not have temptation. This reminded me of how I saw this lady cheat in the Palm Beach Marathon in Florida this last December. I would drive from check point to check point ever three miles to encourage my friend. At one checkpoint around mile 15 I saw a lady go of the road and hop in a car and i saw her get dropped off at mile 21...she cheated herself and she may have finished the race but she cheated herself. "forget about who finished first and last. Decent, honorable people finish races-and their lives- in grand style and with respect."


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