Sunday, April 10, 2011

Global Vision

In class, we've been talking a lot about global vision. Buying and selling items across the globe. I've never realized how big of an impact something can have on the world, that is happening elsewhere. If the Unites States starts having financial problems, then the jobs that have been outsourced will be the ones to be laid off first. The rioting and revolutions going on over in the Middle East have been affecting oil prices. This causes all of the prices around the world to increase, and in turn causes everything else to increase in price. Business owners across the world have to learn how to have an edge on all of the events happening in the world. If they don't they will fall behind, and lose customers. I've never really thought about things like that until the past few days in class, and it's made me realize how important it is to have global vision in the current market.

Dylan Lewis

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