Tuesday, April 12, 2011


As I was going through an old note book I came across something I had written down at a leadership conference for Operation Smile. I don’t remember who was talking, but some of the things that they said I still remember. The point that resonated in me the most was that you can break down things that happen in your life into two groups. Good experiences or good lessons. Its ok to make mistakes, what important is learning from them. I'm not big on regret. I know I make mistakes, but there's nothing you can do about the past. I find it better to own that mistake and learn from it. This principle can be applied to not only your personal life, but work as well. If you take your life lessons and apply them in your future you will become more valuable as an employee. As I was writing this, this song came to mind. I thought it applied well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3oOGHwEQT4&feature=related

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