Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Defining Success

When I saw this strip today it immediately reminded me of what we've been talking about in class. John Hunstman's book is all about sticking to your morals and acting with integrity. Several of the other books that were presented also spent a good amount of time on the same subject. There are many ways in which one can define success. However, I think the great guru puts it best here. "Success is obtaining happiness without sacrificing personal morals."

Blair Jensen

1 comment:

  1. Alex Bilodeau

    I liked this comic and it really ties in well with what we've been talking about. This world is so corrupt and its only going to get worse. You can hear in the news almost everyday of someone who is going to jail because they stole money from the company or they were dishonest and performing illegal operations. We need to be honest with ourselves and the world. Employers are looking for honest people to work for them and if we are honest we will become more successful. I have always liked the saying honesty is the best policy.
