Thursday, March 31, 2011

movie and winners

While watching the movie in class it made me think of the book "Winners Never Cheat". Interesting to have read the book all about how if you can be a good person and still be successful. Actually he said that is the only way to stay successful. Then sad to see the other side of things in the video. John Huntsman is right though about how when you cut corners to win you succeed quickly but at some point you will fall and when you do fall it will be hard and lasting! Nice to see some of those weasels get caught for fraud and put in jail. What hit me and disturbs me the most while watching the film is how creepy the dishonest men look. You can see and almost feel even through the screen a darkness about them. There is no way that they are genuinely happy which was really evident to me when a lot of them had tons of outrageous possessions. Seems like they are never satisfied but always wanting more to fill in the void in their hearts. I love how Huntsman said that honesty and playing by the rules is the only way to fun real purpose and happiness in this life. Those evil men are missing out on so much joy! Makes me want to give more to others and never waver in my values. What does it make you want to do?

1 comment:

  1. I think what really hit me about the movie we watched in class, was the sheer selfishness displayed by all the dishonest business men. These people are destroying the economy of an entire country and affecting hundreds of millions of people, and yet they don't care at all. It's all about how much money they get. I find it incredible that people could lose themselves and their morals so completely all to get more money. It's like Huntsman says in his book, we need to go back to the lessons we learned in the sandbox. I do not believe that these corrupt business men were always that way, at least not all of them. I would like to believe that they were raised to be honest people, but somewhere along the way, they lost that ideal. I am disgusted by the way that these men behaved, and it has made me want to always watch myself and remember who I am and what I stand for.
