Tuesday, March 22, 2011


You know when you have this really great idea and want to try it out. The "trying it out" that is prototyping. The first, the second, the third, the forth and so on are most of the time a prototype. Just to get the idea out and into a pshyical form can really help in the formation the idea. Sometimes seeing it will tell you that the idea was not as great as you first thought, and that is OK. It is better fail early rather than later. The point is that prototyping is for all types of business, in all parts whether it is services or product. The crude fast mock up of the idea is great it often guides the mind where it ought to go. Role playing in a mock hotel or in the ware house or ever really helps in the development of the service. It show others your thoughts much better than trying to explain them. I know that will try it out more often in the development of my business.

Jacob Pratt group 5 tuesday thursday

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