Monday, January 31, 2011

The Challenge

When challenged with this opportunity in class on Friday, I thought of a few different situations that I would be in this weekend where I could try empathetic listening. Friday night came and an unexpected situation was presented where I could apply seek first to understand. One of my close friends was having relationship problems and on my way over I began to prep myself to not give advice, probe, or put the guy down. All I was going to do was simply listening, right? Well it definitely was in no way easy or simple to sit, listen, and understand. At first it was a struggle to not have my mind constantly thinking of how I wanted to respond but it eventually got easier and I found that her situation was completely different than what I had first interpreted it as. She began to explain some of her fears and problems with this relationship and why she had developed these thoughts. I know that I understand her better now and we are closer as friends. She told me she was glad I that I listened because her family kept giving her advice and all she wanted was to have one person LISTEN and not interpret, advise, probe, or evaluate. It is amazing the feelings, ideas, and emotions that can be expressed in a deeper way if a person listens to understand first.

Michaela Ferguson

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