Sunday, January 30, 2011

Easy Advice

It is so easy to give advice. I can listen to any situation and tell the person what I think they should do. But how hard is it to say nothing? It is one of the hardest things anybody can do. Over the weekend I had the opportunity to go on a roadtrip with my sister. For the first hour or two we just talked about nothing but eventually the conversation led to her relationship. She has been going out with this guy for over six months. Well it turns out that this guy will be graduating this semester and will be moving to Ohio but my sister doesn't plan on going with him. She wants to break up but at the same time she can't stand to think about not being with him. So for the next hour I just sat there and listened to her debate with herself. Every five or ten minutes I would add a little "yea" or "I see" but other than that I didn't say a word. I'm not going to say it was the longest hour of my life but holy cow! I learned WAY more than I wanted to about their relationship.

Listening is important and not giving unwanted advise is maybe more important. But I think we all need to be careful about who we decide to "listen" to. If you ask why, because once they start talking and you show that you are interested and listening, then you may never get them to be quiet.

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