Thursday, February 3, 2011

Design In Business

I really enjoyed the guest lecture in class today about design, and one thing that really clicked for me was I realized the way I have viewed design has been very narrow. I have always thought of design as just an art form, by that I mean just the shape and look of a product. Today I realized just how important design is in every part of business; it's in everything from the way a product looks and feels in our hands, to the advertising and branding campaigns, even in the way employees and leaders need to think to be successful in a competitive marketplace. I have found myself looking at things and thinking about how it's design makes me desire that object more or less. But the most important lesson I took away from todays lecture was the need for us to develop a design pattern of thought that will enable us to think of new and innovative products and ways of doing things that will help us stand out from the crowd.
I have provided a link to a youtube clip of an interview with Roger Martin, he said something that really drove this topic home for me. He explained that allot of people never have the opportunity to develop their design thinking because their company has a set way of doing things and they don't give the employee a chance to develop something new. That creates a problem when down the road that employee becomes the CEO and then one day the way the company has done things for years isn't working anymore and the CEO has no idea of how to create something new to help the company stay ahead of the competition. It really got me thinking about how important this skill is. Just like we talked about in class Innovation is the biggest asset US businesses have.


  1. So interesting Colton. I love this post you put on. I totally agree. How often do we go down the street and see an old company logo or slogan or brochure or....etc and say to ourselves it's time for them to upgrade. It's been too long. I myself do stuff like that all the time. The world's look on design is ever changing, and it's doing it fast. All companies need to use their "right brain" and do more than just create a useful product.
    I also loved the class. I loved how he said that EVERYONE thinks about design. Even those who want to say they don't. It's not just the "artsy" people who are affected by design. I loved that, and was totally in accord.
    Paul Johnson

  2. Yeah i agree with both of you, it was definitely a good lecture. And Colten I felt the same way about design. I had a narrow minded perception of it. Watching the clip he showed and seeing unique designs of everyday products really made me think. It's hard to think outside the box. When he was showing pictures of ordinary objects before showing the designed ones, I tried to imagine what the designed product would look like. It was hard for me to think of anything other than the ordinary original products. We are so used to thinking inside the box that we have to really stretch our imaginations to leave behind old habits of close-mindedness.

  3. Thanks for posting this Colton! I never realized how much we need design in all aspects of life until this lecture. Life without design is like a day with no is dull.
