Tuesday, February 1, 2011

7 habits

During today's lecture, I sat and pondered each of the seven habits as we went through them as a class. It occured to me that I still have a long ways to go before I'm where I want to be in regards to each of the habits. In class, I never shared what i thought to be the most important of the habits, or which one stood out most to me. I wasn't called on to give my opinion, so i sat quietly, giving up a choice to be proactive and speak my mind. So i will take the opportunity to do so now. The habit that stands out to me would be the aforementioned; proactivity. As an introvert who like to keep to myself, I find it difficult to be proactive in many situations, however, that isn't to say that i can't become a proactive person. It is so important to be proactive in everything. I feel ashamed of how layed back i've been through all of high school, and now all of college. I haven't taken enough initiative in work, in school, and other situations of my life. I know i'm not alone because I can see other people traveling the easy road and being passive, letting life lead them wherever it may. Dr. Covey said "we are the creative force of our own lives." I hope to continue to become more proactive in creating and shaping my life into what I want it to be and I hope we can all do the same. Here is a videoclip of Dr. Covey further discussing habit one. :)

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