Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Being a Good Listener

So i tried the listening challenge,  i know i'm late but better than never right? A roommate of mine had a horrible weekend and so i thought i would be a good friend and be a listening ear. I love to listen so i didn't think it would be so hard. Well she started talking and talking and i sat there and listened. I nodded when necessary and agreed with her at appropriate times. Sure there were lots of times where i wanted to throw in a couple stories that related to me, but i kept quiet. When she was done talking she asked how i was and so i began to tell her about my weekend. She did the opposite of what i did. Cutting me off, adding in stories that dealt with her and not really listening. So about 2 minutes into my side of the weekend i just left it at 'ya it was a good weekend' and the conversation ended. Good experience, eye opening into what a good listener really is.  -Lauren Bagley

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