Thursday, February 3, 2011

Benchmark and p/pc

It was really exciting to get the results back from my benchmark. I loved seeing a little view of how others think I am doing in my life reguarding the 7 habits. I learned many things that will help me to more effectively find out ways that I can improve that hadn't before been aware to me and also it helped me to better see the good that I am doing to I am more motivated to become even better. One specific thing that I want to do better is work on p/pc to better balance my life. Sometimes I let things like sleep and exercise slip to accomplish other things instead but I simply need to better organize and prioritize my time. So from now on I am going to plan out my week roughly on sundays so I can get the most important things in there to accomplish and then every night I will plan for the next day by the hour so I can keep up with my matenience and keep getting the results that I want in my life.
Karen Ungricht

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